Think about it a little bit :
If you waste one hour a day, how many hours will you lose after 20 years from now?
It is 7300 hours! Too much, isn’t it ?!
This is just for 1 hour, how about people who fritter away many hours in each day of their life!
Two (2) reasons contribute to time-wasting :
1. Pass the free time: sometimes we have leisure time, which we do not know how to spend. Unfortunately, some individuals spend their spare time on non-sense actions such as going through useless topics or accounts on social media. After some years, or even some days such people start to regret and say: “I hope I did invest my time doing something useful in the past! If I did so, I would be in a better situation today in terms of financial state, health, skills, education, or experience”. Personally, I have experienced such bad feelings of regret because of the abundant time that I have wasted throughout my life! However, it is good to realize your fault before expending all the chances in your life!
2. Dawdling away the time to avoid doing important tasks. Sometimes we have lots of work to do, we get afraid and try to run away by wasting the time knowing that such reactions will create problems and stress leading to loss more time, more energy, or even affect our mental health as well. Then, we end up saying that: “I wish I did it from the beginning, it was not difficult or impossible to be done”.
How to avoid or stop wasting time?
The first and important point that you have to be aware of, is to encounter your task/work no matter how huge it is! Remember, the strong sincere exhausted effort you spend to do your task is temporary, but its great results will stay forever. On the other hand, the outcomes of wasting time and running away from responsibility are unpleasant and permanent as well.
Thus, it is better to challenge your responsibilities bravely and look at the results of your efforts in your future life. Below are some points to save and invest your time:
1. Specific goals/activities must be set and written to be performed throughout your day: Bring a piece of paper, or use a planner to plan your next day each night before your sleep. Thus, at the time you wake up, your daily plan is organized, and you will be in a relaxed mood.
Note :
It is important to be flexible in planning your time. Do not overload yourself with multiple tasks, click here to read more about “Daily plan”, point 6 in this blog.
2. Start with priorities. For example, to set at home on Saturday doing an assignment (which needs to be submitted next week) is more important than going on a trip with your friends.

3. Leisure time should be spent properly. Yes! we need to have a rest (not just always working) however, successful people use their free time doing good things like visiting (or chatting with) family, meeting friends, doing sport, having a walk, reading a book, learning something new, practicing a hoppy, or contributing in a voluntary work that makes other people happy.
The previously mentioned examples are not all the good activities on earth as there are many good things that you can do in your spare time. You know yourself better than others”! Find your way.
4. Learn how to say “NO” for time robbers. Unfortunately, some individuals around us steal our time. I think you can recognize them. Yes! It is absolutely important to have a social life, but that does not mean leaving important tasks to respond to an unnecessary call from a friend who just wants to pass his/her free time chatting with you!
5. Make notes at the end of your day. In such notes, you should assess yourself by mentioning what you have done well, and things to be avoided/changed/improved next time (if available). You can do that at the end of each week or month. You know yourself, so you can do what is suitable for you.
What are some benefits of time management and avoiding wasting it?
- You will spend your day comfortably and without stress as you have set the goals and the plan for your day.
- You can invest your time by learning, earning, and more. For example :
- You can improve a skill or learn a new one.
- You can make somebody happy (voluntary work).
- You can get closer to your family and get the happy sensation of “Family Love“.
- You can work and earn money.
Conclusion :
To sum up, time is very valuable, therefore we must invest it perfectly. Thus, to avoid wasting it, have a successful life, and reach the dreams, time management is applicable.
Remember, the time you waste will never return back again!
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